A Strategic Plan for Membership Growth

Challenge: Similar to the March of Dimes, which had to redefine its mission after the polio vaccine was discovered, our association client was faced with reinventing itself 15 years after it was founded. Over the years, the organization’s original mission became less compelling and some members left the group while others recognized that they had broader interests in common. The remaining group was smaller and struggling with how to reorganize and refocus.

Solution: RRR was asked to identify and articulate the core objectives of the remaining organization and prepare a strategic plan that would allow the association to serve the interests of its members and attract new members. After (i) conducting a membership survey via phone interviews and online, (ii) interviews with past members, and (iii) an external factors analysis, including assessment of the roles and services of similar organizations, RRR was able to distill needs and opportunities for the association.

Result: RRR prepared a strategic plan for the association with recommendations to attract new members and increase the benefits for its current membership. The implementation of the plan has led to a more engaged membership with a renewed sense of purpose.